RogueItachi is a young and ambitious entrepreneur who has made a name for himself in the world of decentralized finance and cryptocurrency. As the host of the popular "Good Will Yunting" podcast, he offers his insights and analysis on the latest developments in this rapidly evolving field. Despite his success, Rogue has also earned a reputation as one of the most disappointing people under 30, according to Forbes.

The Value of Anonymity in a World Built Around Identity
The world has become obsessed with identity. We see and respond to each other based on each other’s labels: our job, what school we went to, our political party, our race, gender, age, social status, background, history, etc. Have we ever asked if this is harmful?

The First Annual GoodWill Yunting Awards- *The* Most Coveted Awards in Crypto
When Yunt Capital first began, creating unique and helpful content for both noobs and crypto natives alike was one of our core goals. While there is a lot of amazing content and content producers in the space, education was still an area that crypto struggled. Everyday there is new tech and innovation, yet helping people understand what this tech is, why it’s so important, and how they could utilize it as a user was a struggle for many devs and protocols. Realizing this, and inspired by podcasts like Cobie & Ledger’s UpOnly and Talking Crypto with Gabriel Haines, Bew had the idea of a Yunt Capital podcast. I loved the idea, so I ran with it.

How I Lost and Won the Metagame — All Without Knowing I Was Playing
After ruminating on it the last week or so and reading his new article on it, the metagame model helped me understand how and why I had been making the trades